Important Warnings
Never use cleaning solvents or cleaners to remove contaminants from a Bronze surface, such as porcelain cleaners, furniture polish, Armor All, glass cleaners, vinegar, etc.
Don’t use wire brushes, steel wool, or 3M Scotch-Brite pads (these can rub through the patina’s thin layer and expose the metal).
It is best to place a bronze sculpture away from direct sunlight and sources of water, such as fish aquariums and bathrooms.
Indoor Bronze Care
SURFACE CLEANING (recommended once/month)
Gently clean off dust and debris with a DRY soft cotton cloth periodically. Never use furniture cleaner.
CLEANING & RE-WAXING (recommended once/year)
Clean off dust and debris with a DRY soft cotton cloth and a soft bristle brush to clean out the crevasses.
Check patina for other contaminants, such as fly spots or fingerprints. Use a damp cloth to remove these, and then dry it off.
Brush wax onto the sculpture. Don’t put a heavy coat of wax on because this can leave unwanted residue in the recesses that will have to be removed by picking it out with a toothpick (don’t use any type of sharp metal tool to do this).
Once the wax is dry, buff it out with a soft cotton or flannel cloth. If desired, you can apply a second coat of wax and buff it out for better protection.
Outdoor Bronze Care
A couple of brushes: nylon or natural hair bristles (one for cleaning and one for putting the wax on). As a precaution against possible scratches while cleaning and waxing, it is a good idea to wrap the metal ferrule on the brush with some masking tape.
Wax (Tree wax or Johnson paste wax).
Clean dry clothes for cleaning and buffing (cotton or flannel).
For outdoor use: plastic bucket, large nylon, or natural hair bristle brush.
CLEANING & RE-WAXING (recommended once/year)
Remove loose dirt from the sculpture using running water. You can use a nozzle on your hose but keep the pressure turned down.
Mix in a plastic bucket a mild, neutral, or non-ionic detergent with water. Dip a fiber (nonmetallic) or plastic bristle brush into the soapy water and gently scrub the bronze surface ringing as you go along, working one area at a time until you complete the sculpture.
You can either allow the bronze to dry off naturally or dab the surface dry. Any pockets or pools of water must be dried by soaking up the water with a clean towel; otherwise, mineral deposits can form on the surface.
Brush wax on the entire surface then buff it out. A second coat of wax can be applied if desired. Do not apply wax on the sculpture unless it is completely dry. A warm sunny day is the best time to clean and wax the sculpture.
Bronze Care Instructions
Bronze Sculpture Customization
Animal Artistry and The Art of the Animal Gallery offer bronze horn and antler customization using any of our available Michael J. Boyce original bronze molds. These single-edition pieces are created by pairing your trophy horns or antlers to one of our in-house molds, thus creating a uniquely personalized work of art.
Available molds:
· Antelope
· Desert Big Horn Sheep
· Elk
· Mountain Goat
· Mule Deer
· Rocky Mountain Big Horn Sheep
· White Tail Deer
How it works
A three-dimensional casting is created from your personal trophy horns or antlers. That casting is then forwarded to our foundry in Joseph, Oregon where their artisans will create a one-of-a-kind bronze sculpture specifically tailored to your finish, texturing, coloring and patina specifications. When completed, you will have a timeless and enduring sculptured rendition of your trophy hunt.
John Nigro, Gallery Manager
Myia Ray, Assistant Gallery Manager
Gallery Hours: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
The Art of the Animal
1190 Terminal Way
Reno, NV 89502